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digital daily: Blockchain Abs

 Fitness influencers have rising celebrity power. Their connection to followers is physical, frequent, and challenging in a positive way. It’s a biological recipe for an intense relationship. But customer retention is tricky, fitness fads fade quickly. Long-term results come from sustained engagement. So, a new generation is harnessing the tools of Web3 to build stronger connections to their followers. Peloton's Head Instructor, Robin Arzon, is leading the charge by launching SwaggerSociety, an NFT-augmented fitness club that offers a level of direct access previously reserved for elite private coaching. The technology aims to scale exclusivity. But the current Web3 user experience is underwhelming. Digital asset wallets are clunky, and few people are accustomed to NFT-gated services. Instead of NFT fitness clubs hacking mass crypto adoption, there may be a successful intermediate step where fitness celebrities build hyper-engaged, highly profitable communities of Web3 natives – a new venue where the 1,000 true fans thesis takes root. A long tail of tech-enabled fitness professionals could use new tools to piece together a better, more flexible living, like the digital nomads of the coding world. A few could unlock unfathomable stardom and riches in the process. Expect experimentation and failure. There is no model for success yet. But the beauty of fitness as a medium is that each celebrity success story is written in a growing count of healthier people and direct engagement between creators and consumers. Who doesn’t want a set of blockchain abs?