Tightening Effects

August 29, 2022

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Hack Away

August 05, 2022

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Playground Lessons

July 28, 2022

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Heat of the Cycle

July 25, 2022

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digital daily: Oh, I get it now

Oh, I get it now: “Anything worth doing is worth doing badly” was Chesterton’s way of saying “don’t be afraid to fail.” Give me something relatable. That’s the ask of most people when it comes to crypto rails. Of course, technology rarely works that way. It takes vision and playful curiosity. The first automobile accident in 1891 set the industry back. The motorist, John Lambert, ended up a driving force in auto advancement. Twitter is on a quiet march down the path of Web three point…oh, I get it now. Tips. Twitter started with the Lightning Network to send tips to people for their content. Now, there is a platform for “creators” of content through its monetarization tool. Web3 shreds the middleman – paying the contributor of content directly for their value. Facebook payouts are zero. Ethereum payouts are more than 99%. Twitter payouts to creators will run 80-90%. It’s available in 36 countries and is a step towards the elimination of institutionalized credentials. Think Matt Taibbi. How does a creator receive their rewards? By way of bank account, today. It doesn’t take much of an imagination to see that it’s by electronic wallets in the future. Will crypto asset technologies play a role? Depends on who you ask. “Please don’t be surprised and don’t expect taxpayers to socialize your losses,” Fed Governor Waller warned on February 10, 1970. Most appreciate socializing loss is an expectation reserved for traditional banks, a topic for today. Time will slow at 14:00ET with today’s FOMC meeting, the usual six-week ritual. Wisdom of the crowd versus the genius of the individual – rate cuts are around the corner.